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a sacred journey into your Akashic Records

Imagine meeting your higher self, receiving profound insights into what your soul came here to create in this lifetime. This is your invitation to reconnect with the deepest essence of who you are and the unique gifts that have been waiting to emerge.


This transformative journey calls you to step into greater authenticity and express your true self with clarity and confidence. You are ready to harness your power, align with your soul’s purpose, and become a part of the New Earth Movement—a leader guided by values that reflect the depth of your being.


What You Will Experience:


    •    Guided Journey: In a 75-minute session, you’ll be gently guided into your Akashic Records, where you will access profound insights about your soul’s mission and highest potential.

    •    Energy Clearing & Activation: Experience a deep energy clearing and chakra activation, allowing the flow of soul-level information to come through with ease, enhancing your connection to your guides and inner wisdom.

    •    Transformational Insights: Discover how you can transform your leadership and life by embracing your soul’s wisdom, while releasing what no longer serves you. This journey empowers you to step into a new level of soul-led leadership.


Are you ready to embrace your true essence and lead from the deepest parts of your soul?


Soul Remembrance is your first step toward a life infused with purpose, power, and clarity.





I just wanted to say thank you, thank you, thank you again.

I'm very much aligned with myself.

Today was really something special, something beautiful.

I'll remember it for the rest of my life. It was amazing. 

This program has changed my life and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me the opportunity to finally be who I am, to be aligned with myself.

Now in the groups I'm in, before I had problems finding my place, now I know that my place is as I am and that's OK. I've finally found my place, wherever I am. I feel like I'm glowing inside.

Fanny P., Cologne

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